Ebay, the world's largest auction house and 12th largest US retailer, annouced two new services to help its customers track and analyze items that sell on its site. First, is PULSE, a daily barometer of hot selling items, including vendors and prices. Can you guess the top selling item???? The I-Pod, surprise!
In addition, a subscription service aimed at sellers was launched by Terapeak, called Ebay Marketplace Services. It provides a more indepth look at sales listing using a metrics based analysis. It can review millions of transactions to develop and provide up-to-the-minute ratios, price buckets and length of selling periods. Think of the analysis used on a stock or portfolio and you will have an idea of the type of data delivered with this service.
Since close to 90% of Ebay sellers are "mom and pop" operations, this information will prove extremely valuable to their success.